I remember St. Augustine's quote: "To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement."

I also used to crave so much for a romantic partner, thinking that was the only way to satisfy our innate desire to love and to be loved. But God pursued me and taught me that even if we never get the earthly spouses we're looking for, no person would ever be deprived of the happiness of love because God Himself is Love!

Once I knew this love only in theory, but He answered my prayer and helped me feel how He truly loves me so.

Some people say that we should pray for our future spouses, and I did. I prayed for someone and even wrote all my requests about this person.

Was my prayer answered? At first I thought it was not, but then I've realized that the Person I have been looking for, the One who possessed all the traits that I wanted could be no other than God Himself. My prayer was answered in a way that I never thought it would.

I think this couldn't be more expressly shown than in one miraculous incident that happened when I asked God for a rose https://singlecatholicwriter.substack.com/p/when-i-asked-god-for-a-rose

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Wow!!! Such a powerful and mind-blowing answer to prayer... God is your future spouse!!! Thank you for sharing this!

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Thank you also, Catie! God has a unique way of loving each one of us. He knows best the deepest desires of our hearts.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Catie

I had a similar experience, when I was in college, to yours, of facing up to the reality that no human relationship would be satisfying if it weren't established as subordinate to, and flowing from, the love of God. It was scary, but so freeing, to resolve to not get romantically involved with anyone who wasn't trying to be a Christian, even if it meant that I would never marry. I wasn't quite 20, and it had only been after going away to college that I actually had much dating experience, and none of it was with anyone worthy, I'm sorry to say.

It was only a few months later that *two* committed Christian men came into my life. Because my new perspective enabled me to, as you say, keep my head on straight, and be intentional, I felt peaceful and no longer desperate. Christ was my true love. One of those men had just ended a relationship with a girl who was rejecting Christ, while he was drawing closer. Two years later he became my husband.

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It is truly amazing how He gives us the desire of our heart when we first renounce it for His sake!

Thank you for sharing this experience, Gretchen!

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Sounds very similar to my experience before meeting my husband! God is good, He is faithful, and I am so glad I had to wait to be rooted in Him before being married. It makes it all so much easier.

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Yes, He is so good, praise Him for His faithfulness!

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This was wonderful, and I loved the addition of the interview.

My young adulthood, honestly up through my mid-late twenties was very boy crazy. I was never completely reckless or anything, but the amount of mental energy expended and scenarios that I sought out was really a symptom of something deeper. The desire for marriage is a good one, and we need to take chances with worthy people, but I look back and cringe at how desperate I was in so many scenarios. There's just too many stories! My husband had similar experiences. What is amazing is that we were some of the first people the other dated in our early twenties.... we broke up.... and for two and a half years I believe we went through what we needed to in order to come to a place of humility and maturity. In hindsight, we needed that breakup even if the time was filled with some lessons learned and for my husband, some needed areas of repair and growth. Apparently the Lord saw fit to bring us together after a long while. But man, oh man, do our romantic desires and whole selves need to be submitted to Him in order for any relationship to honor Him.

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It seems to be such a shared experience!! Praise God for His plan for you and your family! Thank you so much for reading and the kind words!

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THere IS so much goodness Here Catie! HearINg about another Woman’s unique walk with Him alWays enriches and edifies mINe. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The quality / state of our marriage with God, Will alWays translate INto the quality / state of your relationship with Men. Our relationship with Christ IS the foundational relationship upon which All of our other relationships are founded. When the Root system IS established — All the Fruits that grow from it can thrive! AMEN! 🕊️🌿🍃🍇

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