I really enjoyed this. I have always felt that the blessed mother is more accessible to me in her role as Queen/Saint and less so as simply mother. Since becoming a mother myself, I have tried to engage with this side of Marian devotion more. Definitely something I am still working on and meditating on the Scriptures with, but I did reread the protoevangelion recently to try to contemplate the more human side of Mary and Joseph.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13Liked by Catie

So, I'm not even Orthodox, but read this book last year at someone's suggestion. It's fascinating, and thought you might love it: https://bookshop.org/a/99872/9780809153916 (Not specifically about Mary, but obviously includes her, including a version of this icon.)

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I am so glad to hear you read the book and loved it! I encountered this book a few years ago and devoured it. I like that she identifies areas of growth in how women are treated “on the ground” in Orthodox parishes, and how she points out that the misogynistic practices sometimes encountered today are not part of the authentic tradition, but are rather an aberration (purity language, etc).

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This is beautiful! Two years ago I became catholic and was gifted a small book called “Behold your mother.” At the Time I was struggling to understand Mary, and she really called me to her. I am so grateful to have been able to foster a relationship with her. And now this year, my husband and I converted to Orthodoxy, and I know she’s been with me every step of the way. We have an “our Lady of Tenderness” icon that was a wedding gift that sits in our living room that I really adore. Glad I got to read this! Thank you!

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Wow Lorissa, that is so beautiful! This is honestly my favorite part of Substack: meeting people and hearing beautiful stories like this! I grew up with an icon of Our Lady of Tenderness (do you have the Vladimir icon, or a different one?) and she is sooo beautiful. Thank you for sharing this! So nice to meet you! ❤️

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Great to meet you too! We have a Vladimir Icon ☺️ it is a blessing to find your Substack. I am giddy when I find other orthodox out in the wild. Looking forward to reading more of your articles.

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Thank you ❤️ yes, I feel the same way!

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